He Is Risen!

April 17: Resurrection Sunday!

Read: Isaiah 65:17-25; John 20:1-18

Our reading in John today begins on the first day of the week, early, while it was still dark. There are echoes of another moment, early in creation, when the world was dark and formless. It reminds us of the darkness that settled over the world just days earlier as the Messiah was crucified, died, and buried. Darkness can suggest hopelessness and defeat.

It’s not just a time of day, but the absence of light. We go through dark times when we don’t feel the presence of God or when life’s circumstances are difficult and we feel lost and defeated.

Into the darkness of that Sunday morning centuries ago, the God who spoke light into existence raised back to life the light of the world. The God who in humility clothed himself in human flesh defeated death. The true light, which gives light to everyone, had reappeared. The darkness truly had not overcome it.

John’s presentation of that resurrection morning is filled with wonder in the midst of the mundane. Mary Magdalene goes to the tomb and Jesus’ body is missing. In shock, she runs to Simon Peter. He and John come and see that Jesus is gone and walk away confused and pondering what it all meant.

Mary remains. She sees two angels in white and though she speaks to them, she must not have comprehended who they were. It’s as though it doesn’t even register. Turning, she sees a man she mistakes as the gardener. Perhaps he knows where Jesus’ body is. As she weeps, Jesus speaks to her and calls her by name.

In the quiet of the early morning, her broken heart meets hope. Her crushed expectations are revived. This one she (rightly?) thought a servant, is actually her Lord! Death destroyed. Hope rekindled. Her world turned upside down!

The resurrection changes everything. When Mary hears Jesus call her by name, she knows it is him. When their conversation ends, she returns to tell all who will listen, “I have seen him! He is alive!”

We too, when we meet our God in human form; the Messiah who died and was raised; the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world; when we meet him and he calls us by name, our response should be to go into the world and share this truth with everyone! We have seen him! We know him! He is alive! And in him, so are we!

Questions for Reflection

What have been the most important things you’ve learned or been reminded of during this Lenten season?

Have you sensed any invitations to start (or stop) some activity so you can draw closer to Jesus?

Is there someone you especially want to share the hope of Jesus with? Pray for them and for an opportunity to be a witness to them of the power of the resurrection!

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